Great ideas are rarely conceived and executed alone, especially when they relate to places and spaces.  There will be a myriad of stakeholders, from public sector organisations, businesses and charities to local community groups and individuals.  Bringing such diverse skills and expertise together through partnerships boosts capability and capacity.  Also with resources shrinking, especially in the public sector, co-ordinating financial resources is often not just desirable, but essential.  Partnership working can also help ensure that seemingly separate great ideas across an area can complement and enhance one another.  It is about ‘connecting the dots’.

Scott B Sullivan Associates is well accustomed to developing and managing partnerships to ensure better, more joined up delivery.  This includes strategic, cross-boundary partnerships through to those working to make a more locally felt difference, and includes the public, private and charitable sectors.

Developing partnerships

  • Identifying potential partners
  • Developing relationships with new partners
  • Developing governance arrangements
  • Connecting new partnerships to their strategic contexts
  • Establishing the partnership

Managing partnerships

  • Chairing partnership meetings
  • Servicing partnerships
  • Maintaining positive relationships with partners
  • Developing partnership communication strategies
  • Expanding partnerships
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